In this paper enhancement of power system stability using coordination between power system stabilizer (PSS) and static VAR compensator (SVC) as stabilizers of system and generator is studied. Genetic algorithm is used for optimization and finding optimal control parameters. To indicate capability of controllers, three scenarios have been chosen. In the first scenario only SVC has been implemented for adjusting of control parameters. The second scenario has applied PSS solely in the system. Third scenario considers both SVC and PSS for finding optimal control parameters. Then the result will be compared. Two approaches have been applied for adjusting of SVC and PSS parameters. In the first approach objective function has been calculated according to system eigenvalues in only one operating point. But in the second approach adjusting of parameters by objective function have been calculated using system eigen values in several operating points. In latest approach six operating points in different loading levels (light, normal, heavy) have been selected to cover search space. The results show that although in the first approach system stability improvement in some system modes, others modes may be unstable. In contrast second approach leads to improvement all of system modes.